Monday, June 30, 2008
July 2008 Southern Skywatch up!

The July edition of Southern Skywatch is now up. There are amazing planetary capers, comet Boattini, an occultation of Antares and the Aquariid meteor shower.
Labels: southern skywatch
Carnival of Space #60 is here.
Labels: carnival of space
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Mercury in the Morning (June 30)
In the early morning Mercury is becoming quite prominent, and is in a beautiful location below Alderbaran and the Hyades in the eastern sky (you will need to enlarge the image to see the Hyades in this picture). While you are up, why not look for comet Boattini as well.
On Monday morning (June 30) the crescent Moon, Alderbaran and Mercury form a nice triangle easily visible an hour before sunrise.
Labels: Mercury, Moon, Observational Astronomy
Mars, Regulus and Saturn; June 29-July2
In the early evening Mars, Regulus and Saturn are putting on a show above the Northwest horizon, and watching them over the next few days will be rewarding. The best time to watch is around one and a half hours after sunset.
Mars is now rapidly approaching Regulus, and will be very close on 30 June, 1 and 2 July. Mars and Regulus will be at their closest on Tuesday 1 July. Together these two objects will make a narrow triangle with Saturn, a lovely sight in the evening sky. (A spotters map is here)
Mars then overtakes Regulus and heads for Saturn. On Saturday July 6, the crescent Moon, Mars, Regulus and Saturn are in a spectacular line up. This line up would be a good subject for my Sketching the Sky competition, so why not get the pencils and paper out and have a go (see for competition details).
Labels: Mars, Observational Astronomy, Saturn
Friday, June 27, 2008
The ISS, Mars, Saturn and Crux

You are going to have to click on the images to enlarge them to see the full detail. The image to the left is ISS passing Mars (bottommost bright object), Regulus (middle bright object) and Saturn (top bright object).
These three are forming pretty patterns at the moment (and keep an eye on them over the next few days). The ISS just adds to it.

The animation is a little disappointing. To get it to a size that wouldn't choke blogger, I had to cut it down quite a bit, still you do get a feel for the ISS zipping past the planets from it.
Labels: ISS, Mars, Observational Astronomy, Saturn
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Odyssey and the Celestial Clock

However, you can also see the planetary motion as a celestial clock. The movement of the planets is fairly precise (although over the millennia the tugs of gravity move them about a little), and no two planetary alignments are exactly alike. So in principle if you know what the sky looks like when a certain event occurs, you know when it occurs.
A recent paper in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (read it for free here) used the sky pattens to date a central event of the ancient poem the Odyssey. In the poem a darkening of sky is used by a seer to predict the death of Penelope's suitors. Many people have interpreted this as an eclipse, but after much discussion, no one could agree what, if any, eclipse it refered to. Now two astronomers have identified the event as an eclipse on 16 April 1178, based on the patterns of planets and constellations mentioned in the Odyssey.
The date agrees with the generally accepted time frame of the Trojan war,1192–1184 B.C.E. However, it also requires a bit of creative interpretation in some areas. To find the locations of Mercury, the authors interpolate descriptions of the God Hermes travels as locations of Mercury in the sky. I'm a bit dubious about this step. Other positions (such as the location of certain constellations at sunset) are more clear, but overall I think it a bit of a reach.
Still, it is a nice piece of detective work using the planets as a celestial clock, go have a read of the original paper, and have a look at the commentary in New Scientist and Science Daily.
Labels: miscelaneous
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Watching Boattini in the Morning

I had a quick look at Jupiter (a readily visible disk in binoculars, with Ganymede below it), then when hunting comet Boattini.
Boattini was readily visible in binoculars near omicron Eriandius (just up from Rigel). Couldn't see it with the unaided eye, but my eastern horizon is pretty grungy, due to the city being that way. No atil visible, but it did look pretty amongst the stars in the binoculars.
Tomorrow morning Boattini is near omicron1 Eri, so will be easily visible. I hope the weather holds.
Labels: comets, Observational Astronomy
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Mercury in the Morning

While you are up looking at Comet Boattini, wait a little while and you can see Mercury rise above the mists of the horizon. This is a very good time to see Mercury, not only is it rather high in the sky and easy to spot, but it is in very attractive territory, just below Alderbaran.
Now if it were not solidly cloudy here.
Labels: Mercury, Observational Astronomy
Sunday, June 22, 2008
More Stereo Boattini

Boattini is a bit brighter in this image than it was in earlier image series from STEREO, but still no sign of a tail. Comet Al has some indication of tail structure in some of the images he has processed, but in the raw images, even when brightened to the limit, I can see no tail.
The animation shows Boattini between 16 and 19 June. Boattini should be at it's brightest on the 21st (in the past here, but should be in downloaded STEREO images in a couple of days)
Labels: comets, Stereo Satellite
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Comet Boattini in the Morning

Comet 2007 W1 Boattini is now visible in the morning sky, at around magnitude 4.5-5. It is currently just above Rigel in Orion. Over the next few days the bright Moon may make it difficult to spot. A spotters map showing the eastern horizon an hour and a half before sunrise is here here. A more detailed map suitable for printing with the field of view of 10x50 binoculars indicated by a circle is here. Use the spotters map to locate the general area of the comet, then the detailed map to make sense of what you are seeing in binoculars.
Labels: comets, Observational Astronomy
Friday, June 20, 2008
Is there Ice on Mars?
Anyway, Phoenix has uncovered some white shiny stuff that looks a bit like ice, and it sublimates (watch the animation at Dynamics of cats), so ice is looking good at the moment.
Carnival of Space #59 is here.
Labels: carnival of space
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I have a cold
Labels: miscelaneous
Saturday, June 14, 2008
10 minutes of fame (on Radio no less)
Labels: miscelaneous
Carnival of Space #58 is here.
Labels: carnival of space
Friday, June 13, 2008
Best Moon Halo Shot Yet!

Canon 40 D ISO 400 exposure 15 sec @ f3.5, untouched save for the levels which he evened out.
Labels: Moon, Tony Travaglia
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The ISS in the morning
The ISS and shuttle pair were clear enough to the unaided eye, the shuttle much dimmer, as they paraded through the sky in the dawn. An awe inspiring sight.
Labels: ISS, Space Shuttle
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Morning 12 June, ISS and Space Shuttle

If you are living in Western Australia, Adelaide and parts south, Melbourne (and parts South) and Tasmania you will have the opportunity to see the ISS pass above the horizon with the space shuttle close behind. You have to get up around 6 am on Thursday June 12 to see this, and it is close to twilight, but it should be interesting to see the Space Station and the shuttle close together.

In Adelaide the pass starts at 6:41 am, passing by the pointers above the Southern Cross.
In Hobart the pass starts at 6:49 am, starting in the tail of Scorpio then zooming past Achernar.
In Melbourne the pass starts at 5:50 am, just below Canopus.
The map to the left shows the track of the ISS with respect to visibility in Eastern Australia, the map below shows visibility in Western Australia.
To get exact predictions and star maps for your location go to

Labels: ISS, Space Shuttle
The Moon, Saturn and Regulus again

Labels: Moon, Saturn, Tony Travaglia
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Moon, planets and fish and chips.
After the bushwalk mentioned in the Boattini post, it was my job to pick up the fish and chips. While waiting for the aforesaid fish and chips to be cooked, I wandered outside and took the following image of the Moon, Saturn and Regulus conjunction using my portable mini-tripod and a picnic table.
Labels: Mars, Moon, Observational Astronomy, Saturn
Monday, June 09, 2008
Comet Boattini and M41

Boattini's brightening has slowed considerably, so it's looked much the same for the past few days. It still is pretty symmetrical, no sign of a tail. In the coming days it will get harder to see as it heads towards the horizon and twilight.
Labels: comets, Observational Astronomy
Sunday, June 08, 2008
A Ring Around the Moon

Labels: astrophotography, Moon, Tony Travaglia
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Carnival of Space #57 is here.
Labels: carnival of space
Friday, June 06, 2008
Moon, Mars and Saturn June 8-9

Over the weekend there will be some delightful patterns of planets and the Moon. On June 8, Mars is close to the crescent Moon, and on June 9, Regulus, Saturn and the Moon make a nice triangle. They will be a good excuse to go out and look for comet Boattini.
Labels: Mars, Moon, Observational Astronomy, Saturn
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Asteriod Occultation
Labels: asteroids
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Kamikazi Kreutz Comet

On the 23rd of May the SOHO and STEREO spacecraft picked up a Kreutz comet on its kamikaze dive into the Sun. Kreutz comets are a family of comets that are remnants of a disrupted large body whose orbits take them close to the Sun. Since the launch of SOHO, many of these comets have been picked up by the SOHO coronagraph.
For many Kreutz comets, when we catch their trip to the Sun is their last.
The animation below (hand rolled from SOHO C3 images) shows the comet as it disappears behind the occulting disk of the LASCO C3 camera. The comet did not come out again. The SOHO pick of the day site also has images and videos of the plunge as seen through the C2 camera (more close up and a bit more dramatic than my Bloggerified video), and the STEREO site has images and videos of the plunging through the COR2 coronagraph.
Note also the Pleiades and Venus passing each other by. A very nice conjunction, accompanied by comet.
Labels: comets, Soho, Stereo Satellite
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
It's Medical Research Week
Labels: science
Boattini amongst the Clusters (Part II)

I was hoping to see if I could catch Boattini's movement, but the clouds poured in, and that was that.
Labels: comets, Observational Astronomy
Comet Boattini amongst the clusters

Comet Boattini passes some nice open clusters as it hurries through Canis Major, and will look rather beautiful over the next few days.
A spotters map is here
Southen Skywatch June 2008 edition is now up.

Southern Skywatch for June 2008 is now up. There is more comet Boattini, a nice line up of the Moon, Regulus and Saturn and some interesting patterns of Jupiter's Moons.
Labels: southern skywatch