Monday, November 20, 2017
Astrophiz Podcast 47 (Sqaure Kilometer Array edition) is Out!

This episode we are speaking with Dr Phil Edwards, Australia’s SKA leader from the CSIRO. He is now Head of ATNF (Australia Telescope National Facility) Science at the CSIRO and SKA Project Scientist.
Phil is originally from South Australia and did his BSc, BScHons and PhD at the University of Adelaide, and he gives some great insights on the often meandering career paths of scientists.
As well as giving us an inside look at the Square Kilometre Array (the SKA), he explains about a recent discovery of high energy neutrinos from beyond our galaxy. He is one of the Australian members of an international team that follows up some neutrino detections that came about by bugging a cubic kilometre of ice down in the Antarctica. This is big science, using monstrous detectors looking for the tiniest particles that give us new understandings of our cosmos.
For observers and astrophotographers, I tells you what when and where to look for objects in the morning and evening skies, including current meteor showers.
You can follow me @ianfmusgrave on Twitter and southern skywatch on facebook.
In the News: A newly published paper that casts further light on those mysterious FRBs
Labels: Astrophiz