Thursday, November 02, 2017
Astrophiz Podcast 46 (Dark Universe edition [cue spooky music]) is Out!

This episode we are speaking with Professor Tamara Davis from the University of Queensland.
Tamara is a renowned and extensively cited cosmologist
who has won numerous prizes for her research. Dr Davis talks us through
our understanding of dark energy and it’s role in the accelerating
expansion of our universe and what it means for the ultimate fate of our
For observers and astrophotographers, I tell you what when and where to look for objects in the morning and evening skies, and in ‘Ian’s Tangent’ I introduce you to some spooky Halloween phenomena and the rare interstellar "zombie comet" that flashed past our home star a few days ago.
You can follow me @ianfmusgrave on Twitter and southern skywatch on facebook.
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Labels: Astrophiz