Saturday, December 22, 2012
Southern Skywatch January 2013 Edition is now up.

The January edition of Southern Skywatch is now up. There's still a bit of planetary action this month.
The bright star Spica is occulted by the Moon.
Venus is low in the morning sky and is close to the crescent Moon on the 11th. On January 7 the crescent Moon is close to Saturn.
Jupiter is in the morning sky near the Hyades. Jupiter was at opposition on the 3rd, when it was largest as seen from Earth. This is still an ideal time for telescopic views of Jupiter. On the 21st-222nd the Moon and Jupiter are close.
Mars Mars starts the month in Capricornius then crosses to Aquarius. Mars is close to the crescent Moon on the 13th. By the end of the month it is very difficult to see.
Mercury is lost in the twilight.
Labels: southern skywatch
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Thanks Ian. I'm sure there are lots of other looking up type of people who appreciate your Southern Sky Watch.
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