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Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Southern Skywatch October 2010 edition is now up!

The evening sky facing west in Melbourne on October 10 at 8:00 pm AEDST showing Venus, Mars and the crescent Moon close together. (similar views will be seen from other cities at the equivalent local time eg 8:00 pm ACDST Adelaide).

The October edition of Southern Skywatch is now up and there is more planetary action. Mercury and Saturn are lost to sight, but with Venus and Mars close to the Moon and each other, it will be a good time to watch the skies. Venus is an obvious crescent in small telescopes and strong binoculars.

Jupiter is past opposition, but it is still a good time to break out the telescopes to observe this world and its Moons.

Jupiter is easily visible in the late evening sky and is within binocular range of Uranus .

On October 14 there will be an occultation of the Moon, and comet 103P/Hartley is visible in southern skies.


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