Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Thursday November 25 to Thursday December 2
The Last Quarter Moon is Saturday, November 27. Three bright planets are seen forming a line in the early evening sky. Venus is readily visible in the early evening sky above the handle of the teapot of Sagittarius. Saturn and Jupiter are visible in the western evening sky with Jupiter dominating once Venus has set.
The Last Quarter Moon is Saturday, November 27.
Evening sky on Saturday, November 27 looking west as seen from Adelaide at 21:53 ACDST (90 minutes after sunset). Venus is above the handle of the "teapot" of Sagittarius forming a line with Saturn and Jupiter.The insets shows the telescopic views of Venus, Saturn and Jupiter at this time. Venus is a distinct crescent now and Ganymede is coming out from behind Jupiter. Similar views will be seen throughout Australia at the equivalent local time (90 minutes after sunset, click to embiggen).
Whole sky showing Jupiter, Saturn and Venus in a line , November 27, 21:53 ACDST, 90 minutes after sunset (click to embiggen). Orion, Taurus and the Pleiades can be seen above the eastern horizon.
Elsewhere in Australia will see a similar planetary line up that the equivalent time (90 minutes after sunset).
Mercury is lost in the morning twilight.
Venus is visible in the early evening when the sky is fully dark. I have been able to see Venus from just after sunset and it is easily seen over 3 hours after sunset, longer if you have a clear western horizon. Venus is above the handle of the teapot of
Sagittarius, forming a line with Saturn and Jupiter. It is now a distinct crescent in even small telescopes.
Jupiter is rising before sunset and is readily visible when the sky is fully dark. Venus, Saturn and Jupiter form a line in the sky. Jupiter is still excellent in even small telescopes, but the window of telescopic observation is closing as it sets earlier.
Star Map via Virtual sky. Use your mouse to scroll around and press 8 when your pointer is in the map to set to the current time.
Cloud cover predictions can be found at SkippySky.
Here is the near-real time satellite view of the clouds (day and night) http://satview.bom.gov.au/