Saturday, December 17, 2011
Terry Lovejoy Images his Comet in Broad Daylight

Terry Lovejoy, discoverer of Comet C/2011 W3 Lovejoy, has imaged his eponymous comet in broad daylight with a Celestron C8 telescope and a Canon 350D camera. See the image at IceinSpace
He estimates the comet as being magnitude -1.2, that's 5 magnitudes greater than the predicted brightness at this time.
Much depends on how fast the comet fades now. It still might be bright enough to see in the predawn twilight tomorrow, but if not, hopefully it will be a binocular comet in time for Christmas.
Labels: comet, comet lovejoy, comets, Kreutz, Soho, Stereo Satellite, sungrazer