Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Is the March 19th Full Moon an "Extreme Super Moon"? (and will we have more earthquakes?)

First a quick primer; the Moon has an elliptical orbit around the Earth (greatly exaggerated for illustrative purposes in the diagram to the left). When the Moon is closest to Earth, it is at perigee, and furthest, at apogee. The orbit of the Moon precesses around the Earth, so that sometimes perigee occurs at full Moon, sometimes at new Moon, and every time in between. Also for a variety of reasons the distances of closest and furthest approach can vary by up to almost 1,000 Km. When a really close perigee coincides with a full Moon, this can make for a good photo opportunity when combined with images from apogee.
But was the claim in the Yahoo article correct? I found the times of perigee and full Moons from 1991 to 2011 and present them in this table (sources, Inconstant Moon and Astronomy Australia 1991-2011).
Date Time Distance Moon Phase Year
Mar 8 8:36 356529 km ++ F- 1h 1993
Jan 19 22:13 356548 km ++ F+ 0h 1992
Dec 12 21:38 356567 km ++ F+ 4h 2008
Mar 19 19:10 356577 km ++ F+ 0h 2011
Jan 30 9:04 356592 km ++ F+ 2h 2010
Nov 4 0:42 356614 km ++ F- 4h 1998
Dec 22 11:01 356654 km ++ F- 6h 2001
Dec 22 11:01 356654 km ++ F- 6h 1999
Oct 26 11:52 356754 km ++ F+ 6h 2007
Feb 7 22:20 356852 km ++ F- 8h 2002
Apr 25 17:18 356925 km ++ F- 2h 1994
Jul 30 7:37 356948 km ++ F- 2h 1996
Sep 16 15:25 356965 km + F- 3h 1997
Jun 13 1:06 357006 km + F- 2h 1995
Apr 17 4:59 357157 km + F+ 9h 2003
Jul 21 19:46 357159 km F+ 8h 2005
Sep 8 3:08 357174 km + F+ 8h 2006
Jun 3 13:11 357248 km ++ F+ 8h 2004
Jan 10 10:53 357500 km + F- 16h 2009
Dec 22 9:29 358353 km F+ 23h 1991
Nov 14 22:59 366050 km F+3d 1h 2000
As you can see, the Full Moons of 1992, 1993 and 2008 are all closer that that of 2011. So, the March Full Moon will be the closest for a less than impressive 3 years. You can also see that the March full Moon will only be 20Km closer than the January 2010 full Moon. Bigger, but not really exciting.
The Yahoo site also says “The full moon could appear up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter in the sky”. Umm, yeah. But can you see it? The limit of distances that someone with good vision can distinguish between is 1 minute of arc (about the width of a human hair). So, for the vast majority of people any difference smaller than 1 minute of arc cannot be seen.

This full Moon (March 19/20) will be 33.7 arc minutes in diameter, last months full Moon was 33.4 arc minutes in diameter, so if you remember that one, you won’t notice any difference. If you wait for next months full Moon, that will be 33.5 arc minutes in diameter, so you won’t notice any difference either.
If you can wait until October the 12th, when the Full Moon is at Apogee, then it’s diameter will be 29.5 arc minutes, and you could notice a difference if you have a good memory, but it won’t be spectacular.
However, it will be a good photo opportunity, if you have a decent zoom on your camera, taking a photo of the Moon on March 20 and then again on October 12 you will see a decent difference (you need to use exactly the same zoom enlargement, see Inconstant Moon for instructions).
What about the other claims?
“The last time the moon passed close to the Earth was on 10 January 2005, around the time of the Indonesian earthquake that measured 9.0 on the Richter scale”
Sorry, the Indonesian earthquake was on December 26, 2004. I remember it well. Unless there is some way for the Moon to reach back in time, there is no relationship. There was a Full Moon on the 27th, but that was near apogee, when it was furthest from the Earth.
“Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was also associated with an unusually large full moon.”
No it wasn’t. The full Moon was on 19th August, and was a very ordinary 357612 km away, not an unusually large Moon at all (in fact, further away than the average perihelion distance of 357373 Km, making it the 18th closest since 1991). Katrina began on August 24, shortly before Last Quarter.
Now, it is at least plausible that the Moon could be associated with earthquakes. As well as the ocean tides we are familiar with, the Moon raises tides in the lithosphere, the very rock of the earth. These tides are small, around 30 cm compared to the ocean tides of a meter or more. However, these small earth movements, stretching and relaxing as the tidal bulge travels around the world, might be enough to set off an earthquake that was all ready to go in the first place.
There is some evidence that full Moons are weakly associated with shallow earth quakes (a less than 1% increase for these kinds of quakes). But is there any evidence that full Moons at close perigee are more likely to be set off earthquakes than any other full Moon? We can actually work out the Tidal Force involved using the following equation (and a little help from an Excel spreadsheet).

It turns out that the tidal force of the March 19 full Moon is only 0.7% greater than the tidal force at average perigee (357372.7 Km, average of 2011 perigee distances) and 25% greater than that at the Moons’ mean distance from Earth (384401 Km). Comparing perigee to apogee, the March 19 full Moon tidal force is 40% greater than that of the October 12 apogee Full Moon.
Okay, but what does that mean practically?
Well, let’s look at the ocean tides as a proxy for the lithospheric tides. Tides are complex, affected by local geographic features amongst other things, but this gives you an idea of how the lunar tidal force plays out. The maximum high tide at outer harbour after the March 6 New Moon at apogee was 2.5 meters, the predicted high tide for March 19 is (drum roll) … 2.6 meters. This is about a 4% increase in tide height for a 40% greater tidal force. So I wouldn’t expect much of a difference between the March 19 Full Moon, and any other full Moon.
The Yahoo article is almost completely wrong. But where did the information come from? It seems like it comes from astrologer Richard Nolle (similar language is used at accuweather and space.com, and both articles link back to Nolle). While the exact same language is not used in the articles, we have Mr. Nolle writing.
“….First and foremost, that means being mindful of the March 19 full moon 28° 48' Virgo. It’s arguably the year’s most extreme SuperMoon, for a couple of reasons: it’s the closest SuperMoon of the year, occurring within an hour of lunar perigee (the Moon’s closest approach to Earth): the Moon will look huge when it rises at sunset. And being so close to the vernal equinox, this SuperMoon occurs within hours of the moment the full moon crosses the celestial equator from north to south, just as the Sun crosses in the opposite direction. That makes this a major geophysical stress window, centered on the actual alignment date but in effect from the 16th through the 22nd. Of course you can expect the usual: a surge in extreme tides along the coasts, a rash of moderate-to-severe seismic activity (including magnitude 5+ earthquakes, tsunami and volcanic eruptions), and most especially in this case a dramatic spike in powerful storms with heavy precipitation, damaging winds and extreme electrical activity. Floods are a big part of the picture in this case, although some of these will be dry electrical storms that spark fast-spreading wildfires.”As we have seen, the March 19/20 Moon won’t look particularly huge compared to most of the other Moons (unless you have a good memory for apogee Moons and acute eyesight). Tides are not going to be much of an issue (unless 0.1 meters floats your boat). Earthquakes etc. are only marginally more likely simply due to the full Moon effect alone, not the effect of Perigee. I have no idea where he gets the weather stuff from.
He does write:
“Take Hurricane Katrina, for example; spawned from a tropical depression formed within three days of the August 19 SuperMoon. My forecast for 2005 warned of severe storms within plus or minus three days of the day Hurricane Katrina formed, and even specified the Gulf of Mexico as one of the areas at risk in connection with that particular SuperMoon alignment.”
The tropical depression formed on August 23, actually four days after what was not a particularly impressive “SuperMoon” (357395 Km, 12 hours before the full Moon). Much closer perigee’s nearer Full and New Moons respectively aren’t associated with anything in 2005.

And so it goes for the rest of his examples. By casting a sufficiently wide net, and using a rather broad definition of “superMoon”* Mr. Nolle can produce a wide range of spurious associations. After all, since there are on average 4 earthquakes of magnitude 5 or greater every day, it’s not too hard to find earthquakes within + or – 3 days of a full Moon near perigee. He gets excited about the February 27 “supermoon” (where the perigee occurs 18 h before the full Moon and is a rather unimpressive 357831 Km) near a 8.8 Magnitude quake and ignores the January 30 Full Moon (Perigee of 356592 Km 2 h after full Moon) which is nowhere near any reasonable quake.
Have a look at the graph to the left where I have plotted the occurrence of Mr. Nolles "supermoons" vs earthquake intensity and time. The two "supermoons" with the closest perigees closest to the actual time of Full Moon (where the tidal forces are greater) are down in the scurf of random magnitude 5 earthquakes, as are the 3 more dubious "supermoons". There is no uptick in magnitude 5+ earthquakes around these times as Nolle claimed would happen. Note all the activity nowhere near a "supermoon". The February 27 event is completely compatible with random association (times of perigee and full/new Moon from Inconstant Moon, Earthquake data here).
The take home message is that the March 19/20 full Moon will look much like any other full Moon, unless you have photographic equipment to image both it and the October 12 apogee Moon. The Moon will not cause horrible things to happen (well, maybe a very slight possibility of setting off a shallow earthquake, but not more than any other full Moon). As postscript, it’s rather sad that news sources, especially places like Space.com, don’t bother to do simple fact checking before going all breathless.
Oh yeah, the Bad Astronomer thoroughly debunks the idea that the March 19/20 "supermoon" had anything to do with the Japanese earthquake.
* His definition of “supermoon” is “a new or full moon which occurs with the Moon at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit.” But what does 90% of its closest approach mean? Is this as a percent of the distance at perigee? If so that’s a large chunk of orbit (since he classes the 27 February 2010 full moon as a “supermoon”, when perigee was 18 hours before full Moon, this would seem likely. Heck he classes the October 6 New Moon as a "supermoon" when perigee occurs a full day before the New Moon). An “extreme supermoon” is one at 100% or greater mean perigree. This definition is incoherent (but seems to be every full Moon that occurs within 4 hours of perigee judging by his table of extreme super Moons).
Labels: Moon, Pseudoscience
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Thanks for debunking this so throughly. The more junk science that can be defeated like this, the better. Shame on Mr. Nolle for being a root of all this.
Your analogies are very interesting. A 2.5 meter tide versus a 2.4 meter. If you have a retaining wall of 2.41 meters, the lower tide does little damage whereas the higher tide is catastrophic. Kinetic and static friction force, melting points, boiling points, combustion, so many events have activation energies before which nothing happens, but after which everything changes.
Do you prove what you set out to refute?
0.7%. Does paper burn at 447F or 451F? Around the ring of fire is it foreseeable that there are any points on the cusp.
Anyway, I hope to enjoy a nice big full moon, and hope that nothing is triggered.
Do you prove what you set out to refute?
0.7%. Does paper burn at 447F or 451F? Around the ring of fire is it foreseeable that there are any points on the cusp.
Anyway, I hope to enjoy a nice big full moon, and hope that nothing is triggered.
You really need to think about scale. 0.1 of a meter is 100 cm, one tenth of your outstretched arm. Anyone who is so foolish to build a retaining wall that can be overtopped by a standard tide would have a mild soaking, not a catastrophe (worked with the search and rescue in the 1974 floods, know what a catastrophe is). I can assure you that I won't notice when I take my kayak down to the beach on Sunday
Also, as I noted, we have empirical evidence that these kinds of forces are associated with very little happening at all (what happened on 4th January 1912, with the record perigee for a couple of centuries?)
ANd I will have my camera out on Sunday, hope to get the apogee Moon as well
Also, as I noted, we have empirical evidence that these kinds of forces are associated with very little happening at all (what happened on 4th January 1912, with the record perigee for a couple of centuries?)
ANd I will have my camera out on Sunday, hope to get the apogee Moon as well
Thanks Ian. I've been looking for some info after reading that same article and your response was greatly appreciated. A fellow Adelaidian.
Thank you very much indeed. i'd read the yahoo piece and realising that this supposed huge moon is due tomorrow thought I'd google it.... As someone else said, very thorough, exact debunking.
now I am confused
I hate to just believe random things from the internet, but NASA also says it is the closest to us in many years.
I hate to just believe random things from the internet, but NASA also says it is the closest to us in many years.
Mrs. C. You need to read this post. http://astroblogger.blogspot.com/2011/03/when-is-full-moon-not-full-moon.html. It turns on having an astronomical definition of Full Moon which is not the same as what non-astronomers think of as the Full Moon.
You said:
There is some evidence that full Moons are weakly associated with shallow earth quakes (a less than 1% increase for these kinds of quakes).
You correlate this with ring of fire.
I agree 100%.
There is some evidence that full Moons are weakly associated with shallow earth quakes (a less than 1% increase for these kinds of quakes).
You correlate this with ring of fire.
I agree 100%.
To add my last comment. All earth quakes tend to happen around full moon.
Here are the evidence:
869 July 9
Jogan Sanriku Earthquake and Tsunami
1896 June 15
Meiji Sanriku Earthquake and Tsunami 8.6
1933 March 2
Sanriku Earthquake 8.4
1978 June 12
Miyagi Earthquake 7.7
1994 Apr 25 R = 356925 km (min)
1994 No data on the moon
1994 Dec 28 Hachinohe Earthquake 7.5
1995 Jan 16 20:27 (Full moon)
1995 Jan 17 Kobe Earthquake 7.8
2004 Jun 03 R = 357384 km (min)
2004 Dec 26 R = 406040 km (among the max)
Indonesia Acea earthquake 9.0
The largest Tsunami in South Asia
2005 Jul 21 R = 357290 km (min)
Flood hurricane Katrina disaster hit Lousiana
Miyagi earthquake (2005 August 16 11:46 am)
2006 Sep 07 R = 357296 km (min)
2010 Feb 28 Full moon
February 27, 2010 2010 Chile earthquake magnitude of 8.8
2007 Oct 26 R = 356840 km (min)
2008 Dec 12 R = 356613 km (min)
2009 L'Aquila earthquake.
The main shock occurred at 3:32 local time (1:32 UTC) on 6 April 2009, and was rated 5.8 on the Richter scale and 6.3 on the moment magnitude scale. There have been several thousand foreshocks and aftershocks since December 2008, more than thirty of which had a Richter magnitude greater than 3.5.[
2010 Jan 30 R = 356608 km (min)
Haiti Earthquake 7.4 (Port au Prince) (Feb )
2011 Mar 19 R = 356580 km (min)
It is clear that during this year, earthquakes happens when the moon approaches the full moon (+1 or +2 weeks before or later)
New Zealand Christchurch Earthquake 5.4
Japan Kanto Tohoku Sanriku Earthquake 9.0
The largest Tsunami in Tohoku Japan
2011 June 13
Aftershocks New Zealand Christchurch Earthquake 6.0 (11:00 am JST)
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 5.3 (2011 June 15 0:00 am JST)
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 6.7 (2011 June 23 6:53 am JST)
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 3.7 (2011 June 30 14:53 am JST)
R = 356580 km
2011 July 10
The moon is again in its full form and the earth plates are moving.
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 5.3 (2011 June 15 0:00 am JST)
Aftershocks Miyagi Japan Earthquake 7.1 (2011 July 10 6:53 am JST)
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 3.7 (2011 July 11 14:53 am JST)
There is a risk of aftershock again this week.
R = 356580 km
What is a Galerkin discontinuity?
2011 July 25
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 5.3 (2011 June 25 0:00 am JST)
Aftershocks Fukushima Japan Earthquake 6.2 (2011 July 26 6:53 am JST)
2011 August 17 (one day after the full moon)
Aftershocks Fukushima Japan Earthquake 6.2 (2011 August 17 4:53 am JST)
A series of earthquakes (level > 6.0) happens in the Ring of Fire
2011 August 23 (7 days after the full moon)
East Virginia Mineral (USA) Earthquake 5.8 (2011 August 23 4:53 am JST)
2012 May 06 R = 356954 km (min)
2013 Jun 23 R = 356991 km (min)
2014 Jan 16 R = 406528 km (max)
2014 Aug 10 R = 356898 km (min)
Here are the evidence:
869 July 9
Jogan Sanriku Earthquake and Tsunami
1896 June 15
Meiji Sanriku Earthquake and Tsunami 8.6
1933 March 2
Sanriku Earthquake 8.4
1978 June 12
Miyagi Earthquake 7.7
1994 Apr 25 R = 356925 km (min)
1994 No data on the moon
1994 Dec 28 Hachinohe Earthquake 7.5
1995 Jan 16 20:27 (Full moon)
1995 Jan 17 Kobe Earthquake 7.8
2004 Jun 03 R = 357384 km (min)
2004 Dec 26 R = 406040 km (among the max)
Indonesia Acea earthquake 9.0
The largest Tsunami in South Asia
2005 Jul 21 R = 357290 km (min)
Flood hurricane Katrina disaster hit Lousiana
Miyagi earthquake (2005 August 16 11:46 am)
2006 Sep 07 R = 357296 km (min)
2010 Feb 28 Full moon
February 27, 2010 2010 Chile earthquake magnitude of 8.8
2007 Oct 26 R = 356840 km (min)
2008 Dec 12 R = 356613 km (min)
2009 L'Aquila earthquake.
The main shock occurred at 3:32 local time (1:32 UTC) on 6 April 2009, and was rated 5.8 on the Richter scale and 6.3 on the moment magnitude scale. There have been several thousand foreshocks and aftershocks since December 2008, more than thirty of which had a Richter magnitude greater than 3.5.[
2010 Jan 30 R = 356608 km (min)
Haiti Earthquake 7.4 (Port au Prince) (Feb )
2011 Mar 19 R = 356580 km (min)
It is clear that during this year, earthquakes happens when the moon approaches the full moon (+1 or +2 weeks before or later)
New Zealand Christchurch Earthquake 5.4
Japan Kanto Tohoku Sanriku Earthquake 9.0
The largest Tsunami in Tohoku Japan
2011 June 13
Aftershocks New Zealand Christchurch Earthquake 6.0 (11:00 am JST)
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 5.3 (2011 June 15 0:00 am JST)
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 6.7 (2011 June 23 6:53 am JST)
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 3.7 (2011 June 30 14:53 am JST)
R = 356580 km
2011 July 10
The moon is again in its full form and the earth plates are moving.
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 5.3 (2011 June 15 0:00 am JST)
Aftershocks Miyagi Japan Earthquake 7.1 (2011 July 10 6:53 am JST)
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 3.7 (2011 July 11 14:53 am JST)
There is a risk of aftershock again this week.
R = 356580 km
What is a Galerkin discontinuity?
2011 July 25
Aftershocks Iwate Japan Earthquake 5.3 (2011 June 25 0:00 am JST)
Aftershocks Fukushima Japan Earthquake 6.2 (2011 July 26 6:53 am JST)
2011 August 17 (one day after the full moon)
Aftershocks Fukushima Japan Earthquake 6.2 (2011 August 17 4:53 am JST)
A series of earthquakes (level > 6.0) happens in the Ring of Fire
2011 August 23 (7 days after the full moon)
East Virginia Mineral (USA) Earthquake 5.8 (2011 August 23 4:53 am JST)
2012 May 06 R = 356954 km (min)
2013 Jun 23 R = 356991 km (min)
2014 Jan 16 R = 406528 km (max)
2014 Aug 10 R = 356898 km (min)
No, Earthquakes do not all appear around the full moon. I've done Fourier analysis of 10 years worth of earthquake data, and there is no pattern associated with full/new moons.
Of course, all earth quakes do not appear around the full moon. We are interested in storm or hurricane with category 3 or 4 heavy rain that causes flood or disaster as in weather tracking but not every shower or rain. Same as in earth quake, we are interested in megathrust earth quakes or level 3.5 above. Earth quake less than 3 happens everyday (like noise in your dataset). Can you filter your result with Fourier analysis with earthquake > 5.5?
Thank you for your precision.
I will check those data and the paper of Mr Omerbashich. I didn't take into account in my data collection the astronomical alignments as cause of M6+ seismicity.
You have to admit that all megathrust earthquakes are submarine and related to tidal wave (so the moon effect). This is a tiny factor associated with tectonic plates and energy release.
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I will check those data and the paper of Mr Omerbashich. I didn't take into account in my data collection the astronomical alignments as cause of M6+ seismicity.
You have to admit that all megathrust earthquakes are submarine and related to tidal wave (so the moon effect). This is a tiny factor associated with tectonic plates and energy release.
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