Sunday, July 15, 2012
Aurora Happening NOW! (6:41 pm July 15)

A geomagnetic storm is in progress, Bz is -16 nT, Kp index is 5 and aurora have been sighted in Tasmania and Invercargill NZ. Any Tasmanians or Southern New Zealanders should have a look to the south, possibly also southern Victorians if anyone has a gap in the clouds :-(
UPDATE: Apparently good views from Huon region and some from Burnie.
Labels: aurora
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Beautiful clear night in Gippsland with no sign of any light show. Thanks for the alert Ian, it's fantastic to be out there looking.
There are beautiful skies at the moment, aurora or no aurora. There were various reports from Tasmania, form patchy glows to amazing sky displays, so don't be disappointed you missed out.
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