Monday, February 27, 2006
Shameless Self Promotion II
The paperback edition of Why Intelligent Design Fails: A Scientific Critique of the New Creationism, edited by Matt Young and Edis Taneris just out. Not only does it have a chapter on the evolution of bacterial flagella by yours truly, but lots of very good information on the whole Intelligent Design kerfuffle by some very clever scientists and keen thinkers (what I'm doing there, I'm not sure). You can get it direct from Rutgers University Press for $19.96 US. More information at
It's also available at Amazon for around $24 US, buy it with Mark Pekrah's "Unintelligent Design" or Barbara Forrest's "Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design".
I must say I'm seriously chuffed. I've had chapters in two other books before,("Prejunctional Control of the Autonomic Nervous System" and "The Chemistry Biology Interface") neither went into reprint. But WIDF is not only in its third edition, but paperback! That is almost unheard of for an academic publication (Doesn't impress the Department of Education, Science and Training though, they would rather have quantity).
It's also available at Amazon for around $24 US, buy it with Mark Pekrah's "Unintelligent Design" or Barbara Forrest's "Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design".
I must say I'm seriously chuffed. I've had chapters in two other books before,("Prejunctional Control of the Autonomic Nervous System" and "The Chemistry Biology Interface") neither went into reprint. But WIDF is not only in its third edition, but paperback! That is almost unheard of for an academic publication (Doesn't impress the Department of Education, Science and Training though, they would rather have quantity).