Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Final Reminder, Twilight Total Lunar Eclipse, evening April 15, 2014
A final reminder that in the early evening of 15 April there there be a total eclipse of the Moon. This eclipse occurs mostly at twilight in the eastern and central states (Western Australia misses out entirely).
In both the eastern and central states the Moon rises eclipsed just as the sun sets, which will be a rather unique sight if you can find a flat, obscured horizon. To see the dim coppery moon climb above the horizon will be a most unusual sight. The Moon then climbs into the twilight sky as eath's shadow moves off it and Mars pop's into view as the sky darkens.
Timings of Moon rise, sunset, mid eclipse, end of totality and end of the partial eclipse phase for major Australian and NZ cities are here.
See here for a map and contact timings in Universal Time for sites outside Australia.
For some good tips on photographing the eclipse, see here.
If everything is clouded out locally, you can watch it live here.