Sunday, June 04, 2006
While we are on the topic of massive stars ...
Image Credit Chandra X-ray: NASA/CXC/B.Gaensler et al; ROSAT X-ray: NASA/ROSAT/Asaoka & Aschenbach; Radio Wide: NRC/DRAO/D.Leahy; Radio Detail: NRAO/VLA; Optical: DSS
This is a great image recently featured on Astronomy Post of the Day. A coposite image of radio, visible and X-radiation, the inset shows a wake of high-energy particles left as the neutron star speeds through space. Why the neutron star has been kicked out at high velocity is a mystery though.
Update: Tom has a better article on this object. Pop over and read it.
This is a great image recently featured on Astronomy Post of the Day. A coposite image of radio, visible and X-radiation, the inset shows a wake of high-energy particles left as the neutron star speeds through space. Why the neutron star has been kicked out at high velocity is a mystery though.
Update: Tom has a better article on this object. Pop over and read it.