
Thursday, August 01, 2019

Southern Skywatch August 2019 edition is now out!

The Moon at 18:16 pm AEST in Brisbane on Thursday 12 August just as Saturn disappears behind the Moon.

On the evening of Monday 12 August Saturn is occulted by the waxing Moon as seen from eastern Australia north of Canberra.

Saturn will disappear behind the dark limb of the Moon at a reasonable height for telescopic observation. In southern Australia the Moon and Saturn will be very close and visible together in telescopic eyepieces. (click to embiggen).

The August edition of Southern Skywatch is now up.

Mercury returns to the morning sky in the middle of  this month. but is very difficult to see After the 15th it is lost in the twilight.

Venus is lost in the twilight.

 Mars is close to the crescent Moon on the 2nd, low in the twilight, after this it is lost to view

Jupiter was at opposition on June the 11th, when it was brightest and biggest as seen from Earth.  Jupiter is still excellent for telescopic viewing. Jupiter is close to waxing Moon on the 10th.

Saturn was at opposition on July the 10th. The waxing Moon close to Saturn on the 12th. and and eastern Australia sees an occultation of Saturn.

August 2; Mars close to the crescent Moon. August 10; Moon close to Jupiter. August 12; waxing Moon close to Saturn. August 12, an occultation of Saturn.

August 2 Moon at perigee, August 17 Moon at Apogee.

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