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Tuesday, October 08, 2024


Thursday October 10 to Thursday October 17

The First Quarter Moon is Friday, October 11, the full Moon is Thursday October 17. This is a perigee ("super") Moon. Comet C/2023 A3 may be visible low in the evening twilight from the 13th and should be visible by weeks end not far from Venus. Mercury is low in the twilight below Venus. Saturn is just past opposition, and is visible all night long. Saturn is close to the Moon on the 14th.  Mars and Jupiter continue to draw apart and Mars forms a triangle with the bright stars Castor and Pollux.

The First Quarter Moon is Friday, October 11, the full Moon is Thursday October 17. This is a perigee ("super") Moon as perigee, when  the Moon is closest to the earth, is also on the 17th.

Western evening sky on Sunday, October 13 as seen from Adelaide at 19:54 ACDST (30 minutes after sunset, click to embiggen).   

Venus is readily visible now and is now visible when the sky is fully dark. Venus is passing through Libra and heading for the head of the Scorpion. Mercury and Comet C/2023 A3 are below it. 

You will need a level, unobstructed horizon and possibly binoculars to see them. It might be possible to see the comets tail after the head has set as twilight deepens. The inset is the telescopic view of Venus at this time.


Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at the equivalent local time (30 minutes after sunset).
The eastern sky at 20:57 ACDST Monday, October 14 as seen from Adelaide (90 minutes after sunset).
Saturn is just past opposition and is visible all night long. Saturn is close to the waxing Moon. The inset shows the telescopic view at the time. (click to embiggen).


Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at the equivalent local time (90 minutes after sunset).

Eastern morning sky on Saturday, October 12 as seen from Adelaide at 05:41 ACDST (60 minutes before sunrise), Mars and Jupiter form a line with the red star Aldebaran. Mars forms a triangle with the bright stars Castor and Pollux
The inset is the telescope view of the Jupiter at this time. 


Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at roughly the equivalent local time (60 minutes before sunrise).
Eastern evening sky on Thursday, October 17 as seen from Adelaide at 20:29 ACDST (60 minutes after sunset), C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS may be unaided eye visible in the twilight.
Some spectacular photos are emerging, but they are all long exposures, and the unaided eye view may be less impressive, but still well worth viewing although binoculars are advised (have said that the images from SOHO and STEREO spacecraft give us some hope for a nice display). 
Detailed printable chars are at my comet page.


Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at roughly the equivalent local time (60 minutes before sunrise). 
Whole sky on Saturday, Saturday, October 12 as seen from Adelaide at 20:55 ACDST, 90 minutes after sunset (click to embiggen).

Saturn is now above the northeastern horizon as Venus sets on the western horizon. Scorpius is now prominent in the west with the heart of the milky way now just off the zenith. The Southern Cross is low in the Southern sky and Canopus can no longer be seen.  The moon is waxing but this is still a good time to see the fainter clusters and nebulae until the full moon arrives.




 Elsewhere in Australia will see a similar view at the equivalent time (90 minutes after sunset).



Mercury is now visible in the evening  twilight below Venus.

Venus climbs higher in the evening twilight and is readily visible in the evening twilight.

Mars is rising in the morning sky and near Jupiter. The pair continue to draw apart as as Mars passes through Gemini forming a triangle with Castor and Pollux..

Jupiter is rising in the the morning twilight sky. Jupiter is below the red star Aldebaran forming a line with Mars.

Saturn climbs higher in the late evening sky. Saturn is visible all night long. Saturn is close to the Moon on the 14th.

Printable PDF maps of the Eastern sky at 10 pm AEST, Western sky at 10 pm AEST. For further details and more information on what's up in the sky, see Southern Skywatch.


Star Map via Virtual sky. Use your mouse to scroll around and press 8 when your pointer is in the map to set to the current time.

Cloud cover predictions can be found at SkippySky.

Here is the near-real time satellite view of the clouds (day and night) http://satview.bom.gov.au/


Friday, October 04, 2024


Viewing Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) from Australia in October 2024.

Evening sky on Sunday, October 13 as seen from Adelaide at 20:09 ACDST (45 minutes after sunset), C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS may be visible in the twilight, in the coming days it will rise higher in the twilight should become visible to the unaided eye possibly with a nice little tail. Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at roughly the equivalent local time (45 minutes after sunset, click to embiggen).
Evening sky on Tuesday, October 15 as seen from Adelaide at 20:11 ACDST (45 minutes after sunset), C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS may be visible in the twilight. Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at roughly the equivalent local time (45 minutes after sunset, click to embiggen). Evening sky on Saturday, October 19 as seen from Adelaide at 20:31 ACDST (60 minutes after sunset), C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS should be visible in the twilight. Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at roughly the equivalent local time (60 minutes after sunset, click to embiggen).
Evening sky on Saturday, October 26 as seen from Adelaide at 20:31 ACDST (60 minutes after sunset), C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS should be visible in the twilight, although you may need binoculars. Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at roughly the equivalent local time (60 minutes after sunset, click to embiggen). Path of C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS in the western evening sky from 9 October on. Black&White chart suitable for printing (click on the image to embiggen and print). The image is at civil twilight 30 minutes after sunset to show the path of the comet over the month, however, the best time to observe is nautical twilight (60 minutes before sunrise). The circle is the approximate field of view of 10x50 binoculars. The greyed out section is below the horizon. The path of Venus and Mercury is also shown.
Binocular hart of the path of C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS in the western evening sky from 13 October on. Black&White chart suitable for printing (click on the image to embiggen and print). The image is at civil twilight 30 minutes before sunrise to show the path of the comet over the month, however, the best time to observe is nautical twilight (60 minutes before sunrise). The circle is the approximate field of view of 10x50 binoculars. The greyed out section is below the horizon. The path of Venus and Mercury is also shown.

Brightness chart of comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS from Gideon van Buitenen's website

The long anticipated  comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS has been putting on a nice show for early risers (although the spectacular images are all zoomed in long exposures, most people see fuzzy dots with their unaided eyes). 

The comet is now too deep in the twilight to be seen. It will return to western evening twilight from around 12 October.  It has been preforming better than expected, and while the most optimistic predictions of it's potential brightness are unlikely to be fulfilled, it looks like it will peak somewhere around magnitude -3 to -4, around as bright as Venus, it will be around 8° from the Sun, and unlikely to be seen at its brightest. How bright it will be when it emerges from the twilight is still uncertain. 

Probably the earliest most of us will be able to see the comet is next Saturday, 12 October, when it is closest to the Earth. You will need a level, unobstructed horizon to see it, as it is only a degree above the horizon, and binoculars. Although theoretically visible to the unaided eye, the atmospheric density near the horizon and the bright twilight will mean the comet will be obscured. Through binoculars it may be a fuzzy dot, depending on exactly how its brightness evolves. 

The printable black and white charts above  will help you locate the comet, you may need binoculars first to locate it before you can spot is with your unaided eye. Fortunately Venus is a bright landmark, and if you sweep down from Venus with binoculars you should be able to catch the comet. 

Although the comet may be obscured, it is possible to catch the tail above the horizon as twilight deepens.

 C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS rapidly climbs into darker skies, unfortunately dimming as it goes, but long exposure images should catch it quite nicely even if it looks like a fuzzy dot to the unaided eye. 

The comet should remain visible for the rest of October (although possibly only in binoculars towards the end), at the same time you will be able to follow Venus moving through the Scorpion and Mercury rising towards the head of the Scorpion too.

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Tuesday, October 01, 2024


Thursday October 3 to Thursday October 10

The New Moon is Thursday, October 3. Daylight savings stars October 6. Saturn is just past opposition, and is visible all night long. Venus is near the crescent moon on 5 and 6 October, and is also close to the star 𝛂2 Librae. Mars and Jupiter continue to draw apart and Mars is in the heart of Gemini. Comet C/2023 A3 is too close to the Sun to be seen after October 5, although we might get a glimpse of its tail by weeks end. It will reappear in the evening twilight next week.

The New Moon is Thursday, October 3. The Moon is at apogee, when it is furthest from the Earth on the 3rd as well. Daylight savings stars October 6.

Western evening sky on Saturday, October 5 as seen from Adelaide at 19:18 ACST (60 minutes after sunset, click to embiggen).   

Venus is readily visible now and is now visible when the sky is fully dark. Venus is near the crescent moon on 5 and 6 October, and is also close to the star 𝛂2 Librae.. The inset is the telescopic view of Venus at this time.



Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at the equivalent local time (60 minutes after sunset).
The eastern sky at 19:46 ACST Saturday, October 5 as seen from Adelaide (90 minutes after sunset).
Saturn is just past opposition and is visible all night long. The inset shows the telescopic view at the time. (click to embiggen).


Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at the equivalent local time (90 minutes after sunset).

Eastern morning sky on Saturday, October 5 as seen from Adelaide at 04:51 ACST (60 minutes before sunrise), Mars and Jupiter form a line with the red star Aldebaran. Mars is in the heart of Gemini.
The inset is the telescope view of the Jupiter at this time. 


Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at roughly the equivalent local time (60 minutes before sunrise).
Eastern morning sky on Thursday, October 3 as seen from Adelaide at 04:53 ACST (60 minutes before sunrise), C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is binocular visible in the twilight.
It seems a little brighter than predicted and in the coming days it will be lost in the twilight the reappear in the evening twilight. On the Sept 27th it was closest to the Sun and is reported as visible to the unaided eye with a nice little tail.  Detailed printable chars are at my comet page.


Similar views will be seen from the rest of Australia at roughly the equivalent local time (60 minutes before sunrise). 
Whole sky on Saturday, Saturday, October 5 as seen from Adelaide at 19:46 ACST, 90 minutes after sunset (click to embiggen).

Saturn is well above the eastern horizon as Venus sets on the western horizon. Scorpius is now prominent in the west with the heart of the milky way now just off the zenith. The Southern Cross is low in the Southern sky and Canopus can no longer be seen.  The moon is waxing but this is still a good time to see the fainter clusters and nebulae.



 Elsewhere in Australia will see a similar view at the equivalent time (90 minutes after sunset).



Mercury is lost in the twilight.

Venus climbs higher in the evening twilight and is readily visible in the evening twilight. Venus is near the crescent moon on 5 and 6 October, and is also close to the star 𝛂2 Librae.

Mars is rising in the morning sky and near Jupiter. The pair continue to draw apart as as Mars enters the heart of Gemini.

Jupiter is rising in the the morning twilight sky. Jupiter is below the red star Aldebaran forming a line with Mars.

Saturn climbs higher in the late evening sky. Saturn is visible all night long.

Printable PDF maps of the Eastern sky at 10 pm AEST, Western sky at 10 pm AEST. For further details and more information on what's up in the sky, see Southern Skywatch.


Star Map via Virtual sky. Use your mouse to scroll around and press 8 when your pointer is in the map to set to the current time.

Cloud cover predictions can be found at SkippySky.

Here is the near-real time satellite view of the clouds (day and night) http://satview.bom.gov.au/


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